Oh yeah !! I come back in english !! It's so great to speak in english because I only know few words so I must think before writing. Nevermind, the theme is GoogleWave.
As everybody know, GoogleWave is the future collabortive tool of Google which is only in beta version for the moment. The aim of the tool is to help people to communicate with no limits. I mean, really no limits. i'm writing in english, but if I write the same thing with the good robot, it will translate automatically in the language of your choice.
Just to be sure we're speaking about the same thing : Google Wave allow people to create waves. A wave is like a chat or a forum it contains blip. Blip is a message, photo, video or anything else posted by one participant. You can create as many waves as you want and you can add or remove as participant as you want. All is in HTML 5 with javascript (a little bit of ajax :) ) so it's reactive, dynamic and ... slow.
On a wave, you can add robots and gadgets. A robot is a participant that you add to your contact list and then to the wave you want it runs. A gadget is an xml file which is included in a wave and which inject HTML and Javascript in. Of course it exists already a lot of robots and a lot of gadget developped by Google User. I try to code both but the community is not really present on the web so I can't find all the informations I need.
I create a test robot which colors in a random color the adresses of participants of a wave in a blip. It's only a parser but it works well. A robot is coded in Java (or Python) and must be deployed on App Engine, so you have to create an account on it. The framework is quite good and looks like the Android's one. All params, authorisations, are in XML. But in fact, it's a servlet. I'm a little bit disappointed by the action we can do on a wave or a blip. I think all the actions are not implmemented yet, but only receive email adresses of participants and not their pseudo, is quite strange. I have'nt succeeded to keep variables in a session. I use tuple object (which implements factory design pattern) but it seems it only works in a short laps of time. I haven't find how to access to database but I haven't search a long time.
I don't really create a gadget, I only try to copy/paste the example given by Google. It works well, but I think (and hope) that a Robot is more usefull and powerfull, so I don't search more longer on a gadget.
Maybe I'll write some article on what I discover on GoogleWave but not for the moment.
Thanks, have a nice day.
My robot : vd11robot@googlewave.com (copy/paste it to your contact list)