That's it, after long months, waiting for an Android phone in France, two of them are announced in a couple of day.
The first, the HTC Dream, was officially announced the 5th of this month by Orange and will be available on Sunday (?? why the hell a Sunday??) the 15th.
The second; the HTC Magic, was announced by Vodafone (so SFR in France) with, for the moment, no precisions on an eventually date. But, a special announce is planned for tomorrow.
I'm not going to tell you what about everybody knows about these two "phones" but I'm just asking the public (you) : what is the best ?
I really like the real and complete keyboard on the Dream, but I had to admit, that its design is too old.
The Magic is most beautiful - in black it’s a really smart phone ;) - its camera has an autofocus, a better autonomy and the last version of android (cupcake). Ok the last is not a good one because you can update your phone, but...
Here I am, I hope SFR will give us the arguments for or against this phone tomorrow.
4 commentaires:
C'est un indien qui a écrit cet article ?
Un genre d'indien ouais. Le genre qui parle plus anglais et qui a intérêt a s'y remettre !!!
J'ai vu ici : http://www.mobinaute.com/263710-cupcake-smartphone-htc-dream-orange-disponible.html
que fin avril la dernière version d'android sera disponnible pour le HTC Dream d'Orange.
Merci benJ pour cette news qui du coup, me fais longuement hésiter...Peut-être vais-je me laisser tenter par le Dream...
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